Monday, January 18, 2021

Shades of grey

It’s been a little quiet here lately, the weather has been wreaking havoc on my back and joints making it virtually impossible to work with images on the computer. Not too many new shots either, with this weather we’ve been having there haven’t been many photo opportunities around. Instead I have been as busy as it has been possible working with the crypto side of things.

The end of the year is fast approaching, hopefully there will at least be clear skies during the last night of December so I can get som decent shots of the fireworks. Otherwise December has been mainly grey, grey, grey and grey with a couple of shades of grey thrown in the mix as well. Coming next week I’ll be doing my own version of an annual chronicle and give you a dozen posts with the most liked and reacted to images month by month. I will also do a long overdue overhaul of the company website, loads of new stuff will be arriving there in 2021.

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